Camp Alta Quarterly Update
Caleb and Phil were two students who attended our iFit program this winter. Half way through the weekend they were rough housing around. As can often be the case with boys, it went a bit too far. Caleb ended up hurting Phil more than he intended. As our staff cared for Phil, we tried to extend grace to Caleb as well. Caleb was a first time camper, hadn’t prayed before, and was a bit unsure as to why he was at camp. When our evening worship service started, Phil, who was still in a lot of pain, came to one of the couches just outside the worship space. As hundreds of kids were praising Jesus, one of our staff asked Caleb if he was open to praying for Phil, to their surprise, he said yes. Led by our staff, Caleb prayed for Phil to be pain free and he asked God to forgive him for hurting his friend. The next morning Caleb was moved to tears as he recognized during the final worship and teaching session that his prayers had been heard. Phil was sitting next to him and the two had experienced the power and presence of God at Camp Alta.
The winter of 2017 has been crazy. Stories of God entering in and impacting the lives of His children have been overwhelming. Day after day, weekend after weekend, God’s provision was made known for our ministry. This winter the snow dumped, mountains moved (I-80 mudslide), trees fell, power outages occurred, and the freeway was closed (more than once). Yet, ministry at Camp Alta moved forward, while the opportunities to share Christ’s love via hospitality abounded. It’s humbling to be a part of. It’s exciting to share with all of you, our partners in this effort.
As we prepare for summer, we wanted to inform you of what’s to come at Camp Alta. We’ve increased our summer program offerings by adding three sessions of EXO, a new adventure wilderness discipleship program for middle and high school students and we’ve incorporated a developmentally disabled camp called Special Ministries. Tomorrow, April 1, 2017, we will launch via social media (instagram & Facebook) our annual Kids Camp theme and online registration. And we’re currently accepting applications for our summer intern program if you or someone you know wants to join our camp family!
For those of you who are looking for ways to plug in: There are a few spots left to participate in our, “spring clean-up” volunteer weekend May 19th-20th ($20 per person for 1 night 3 meals, prayer, and worship). We’re in need of volunteers for our Special Ministries program, August 7-10. We’re always accepting campership donations for our endowment if you feel so led. And we’d love your prayers for our staff as we integrate new interns to our team and prepare for summer. If you’re looking for more info please go to or email us at